Garden Ideas Going to the Birds

Is the backyard going to the birds? Don't worry, that's a good thing! A growing trend of backyard ideas is to design your yard to sustain life besides just plants. Sharing your garden with nature. Plants are beautiful, and really can blow up up your backyard, however they don't move, birds will liven up your garden that a sense of activity that pants alone can not.

Bird feeders alone will not achieve a desired bird palmeral. There are few simple features the birds need in order for your yard to be treated as a home.

one. Food
The four basic food groups for wild birds are Berries, Seeds, Nectar and Bugs. There are several berry plants that are easy to grow (some even wild) that both birds and people love. You can find wild blackberries, raspberries, mulberries, and many more that grow in almost any climate around the world. Some other berries that birds love are mountain ash, service berries, hawthorns, dogwoods, and crabapple. Seeds can certainly be store purchased but can even be provided to the parrots by planting flowering perennials and even grass seed is a favorite during the winter months when food is scarce. To attract your humming parrots and butterflies you will need to plant nectar producing flowers. Nectar wealthy flowers are easily discovered because they usually are brightly colored and have a trumpet flower shape. A couple of examples would be jasmine, trumpet vine, liqueur  sweet wine, salvia, fuchsia and many more. You should have supplemented feed such as bird feeders and nectar feeders all year long but it is very important to keep it filled in the winter months. Bugs are a huge source of food for parrots, stop with the insect sprays! Not only are they potentially harmful to the environment and your family, they take away a good food source for other life.

2. Water
Wild birds love water. They utilize it to drink, bathe and play, and generally all in the same source... they aren't picky. So as to have the chicken oasis in your garden you have to have some source of drinking water, it can be a simple bird bath, a pond, fountain or even puddle. They prefer superficial water so they can stand and splash their wings around to wash. An individual will enjoy every moment spent watching them play in the water.

3. Home Safe Residence
Ultimately birds desire a safe spot to hang their feathers and raise a family. Most backyards don't have the necessary qualifications to house birds naturally. This is why our once common song wild birds such as bluebirds are now pretty rare to see. People don't realize that their subdivision use to house many parrots and now dead woods are removed and landscaping replaced it is not conducive for birds to live. All is not lost though... you can give nature a hand by providing them with a home with birdhouses.

Right now there are some great parrot house plans, kits and prefabricated birdhouses available to provide shelter. With only a few easy steps you can make your garden ideas much more pleasurable for you and the wildlife it attracts. Even small yards are big enough to share with a few birds!

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